Here is a list of 7 traits that successful sales professionals possess.  There are, of course, more than these 7 traits.  However, these will give you a good start.  Compare yourself to these traits.  Ask yourself:  what are my strong areas and in what areas do I need improvement?

Trait #1:  They Possess Highly Honed Listening Skills.  Listening is really a desire to hear what the prospect is trying to convey to you.  Successful sales people take the cotton out of their ears and place it in their mouths!!!

Trait #2:  They Take Notes.  Successful sales people capture ideas that they will need to move the sales process forward.  Writing activates thinking.  As you take notes, you will not only hear what is being said, you will record the pertinent details.

Trait #3:  They Cherish Their Time.  Time is not money, because you can’t make more of it.  Therefore, time is to be cherished.  Successful sales people continually ask themselves, “What is the best use of my time now?”

Trait #4:  They Listen Before They Explain.  Sales people can separate themselves from their competition by tuning into the prospect’s radio station WIIFM…What’s In It For Me?  By tuning in first, you develop contracts. By broadcasting first, you develop chaos.  The key is to tune in!

Trait #5:  They Set Realistic Goals.  Then they exert their energies into attaining those goals.  These goals must be both short range (to keep you going day after day) and long range (to remind yourself of the value of your day to day activities.)

Trait #6:  They Ask High-gain and High-Impact Questions.  Successful sales people have developed the skill of asking appropriate questions.  They ask questions that gain useful information and that exhibit to the prospect the sales person is tuned into his/her business concerns.

Trait #7:  They Implement A Prospect-centered Approach to Selling.  The successful sales professional is clearly focused on the needs, issues, and concerns of the prospect. In fact, it is the process that carries the sales call.  The sales person merely focuses on the prospect and follows the steps to the logical conclusion of the process.

Well, how do you measure up?  Do your traits surpass these?  Are there areas where you need to improve?  Take inventory, then invest in yourself.  Oh, by the way, that’s Trait #8 — They Invest In Themselves!

Now, go sell somebody something.


- originally from zig ziglar :: resposted by donjaime -

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    Read this first!!!

    This  page is a compilation of blogs from different mentors in network marketing (mostly from coach smurkydad, BO Sanchez, etc.) and was made for all of us who wants to learn more and become an expert in this field.
    God bless us all.

    by: donjaime


    September 2012


    Bo Sanchez
    Randy Gage
    Zig Ziglar