I have 3 facebook accounts.

The 1st account is exclusive for my family and friends.

The 2nd one is purely for “business” contacts.

The last account is my secret identity “smurkydad” account (I use “smurkydad” pseudonym to coach networkers)

Let’s talk about my 2nd account.

(Im putting a “smurkydad’s twist” in T Harv Eker’s “Rich vs. Poor” comparison.)

This is my version:  Successful networkers vs. Unsuccessful networkers

1. Successful networkers believe: “I create my life.”

Unsuccessful networkers believe: “Life happens to me.”

2. Successful networkers play the money game to win.
Unsuccessful networkers play the money game to not lose.

One evening, I was driving my family in a city with the most circuitous road network in the world.

And I was completely lost.

My passengers were scared. It was late at night, and some roads had no street lamps. One of my passengers was my aging aunt, and she was a pessimistic person. She said, “Isn’t this the place were they salvage people and throw the dead bodies in the cogon grass?”

Want to get fast result in your business?  Work it five nights a week.  Sounds crazy, I know… (wink)

Maybe youre thinking, “I work five days a week in my job – thats about  8 or 10 hours a day.  Then I have my spouse, the kids, all my other responsibilities.” Exactly. Which is why you need to do it.

No 8-page article today.

Just a short note on how to be happy.

A psychiatrist who’s been listening to thousands of unhappy patients for 40 years realized that there are three things to be happy. If you have these three things, it’ll be very difficult to be miserable!

Do you have these three things?

1. Something to do

2. Someone to love

3. Something to look forward to

Why did I mention these three things to you?

How Many People Do I Need to Sponsor?

Almost everyone I coach has the same dilemma.  They’re chasing after the same few team distributors trying to manage their way to being rich.  But they haven’t sponsored enough people personally.

They sponsor one or two people they believe have so much potential, they just keep pestering those two, wondering when they will make them rich.  And sadly, you often end up scaring them away. The people feel so much pressure to perform, it drives them out of the business.

 met a couple of networkers last week. Gave them the chance to throw any questions they could think of.

One of them asked me “smurkydad, who are the right prospects?”

I remember Jim Rohn’s quote that your income will be the average income of the five people closest to you. This sure has a lot of lessons in our business.

Want to meet the best prospects for your MLM business?  It’s simple. Just meet the best people.

Good people do good things.  Great people do great things.


Yes, make 100%!

Don’t settle for 50% or 60% or 80% or even 90%–if God has given you the ability to make 100%.

Why try to earn more?

There are two very good reasons why you should earn more.

1. You Want To Give More

Once upon a time, I used to earn P800 a month. 

People ask me all the time how to manage their people.  I tell them that you can’t manage people.  You lead people and you manage things.

God doesn’t want you to get moist. God doesn’t want you to get damp. God doesn’t want you to get a little bit wet. God wants you to get drenched by a downpour of blessings in 2012.

    Read this first!!!

    This  page is a compilation of blogs from different mentors in network marketing (mostly from coach smurkydad, BO Sanchez, etc.) and was made for all of us who wants to learn more and become an expert in this field.
    God bless us all.

    by: donjaime


    September 2012


    Bo Sanchez
    Randy Gage
    Zig Ziglar