i had a nice conversation with my team leaders last time

i asked them, “anong nga yung karugtong ng kasabihang birds of the same feather… ” and they (interrupted me) answered in unison, “…. flock together!” (what do you know, i have a well informed group. they must be good in academics)

“Wrong!” , imagine their surprise when i said that.

i finally dropped the bomb: “Birds of the same feathers…. are the same birds!”  (i had a good laugh when i saw their faces)

how about you? do you find it funny? (ilabas mo yan. itawa mo.)

this article is somewhat related to that  “corny” joke..

… it’s about being associated with “…the same birds” (you’ll see. after this, di mo nako pagtatawanan… hehehe)

let’s get started!

if youre a bit familiar with the real business world (it’s now what you think.  im referring to traditional business), your income is the average income of your five closest friends in that industry.

now, we can talk about MLM.

here’s the magic question: who are your closest five buddies in your company?(come on, dont be shy. add up all of your monthly incomes divided by 6 of you. now that’s your average income.) do you like the result or medyo hindi ka satisfied sa  average income ng grupo mo?

you want to increase your average income? then get yourself associated with your higher uplines who are earning way bigger than you. sa una, di ko rin to maintindihan but when i figured it out, it makes sense.

kung ang nakapalibot sayo eh malalaki ang income, youre natural tendency is to “step up” dahil ayaw mong mapag-iwanan sa “small circle” niyo. you want to reach their income level as well.

plus, these guys who are earning “big” will share to you their best practices (and secrets) because they want to see you grow.

nakabuo tuloy ako ng bagong kasabihan: “tell me who your friends are and ill tell you how rich you are.”


- originally from smurkydad :: reposted by donjaime - 

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    Read this first!!!

    This  page is a compilation of blogs from different mentors in network marketing (mostly from coach smurkydad, BO Sanchez, etc.) and was made for all of us who wants to learn more and become an expert in this field.
    God bless us all.

    by: donjaime


    September 2012


    Bo Sanchez
    Randy Gage
    Zig Ziglar