After you read this short article, you will understand why you no longer ever have to stress before presenting your opportunity to a prospect.

Contrary to what you’ve been told in the past, we are *not* responsible for other people’s personal decisions.
Do you want to present your opportunity in a relaxed, stress-free, and rejection-free environment?
Then try making your business presentation from the following                                                                        point of view.
Your obligation is to let the prospect know about your opportunity. That’s it.

Don’t sell features.
Don’t sell benefits.

Instead, base your business presentation on your
prospect’s most pressing problem. Then you’ll have
your prospect’s attention. For example, if you talk about the weekly checks you’re earning from the company, that’s a feature.

If you talk about the benefitsof weekly checks (not waiting until the end of the month, getting your earnings quicker, instant gratification for work performed, etc.) – you’re doing better, butit still won’t grab your prospect’s attention.

Try talking about your prospect’s most pressing problem. For example, you might say:
You: “Kelan ang bayad mo sa Meralco?”
Prospect: “Next week. Ngayong Miyerkules.”

You: Due na pala ng Meralco payment mo next week.
Malaking kaltas yan sa sweldo mo…

Few Prospects = STRESS

Five quick solutions.

The cause of stressin MLM is having too few

When we only have a couple of prospects, we press,
we push, we strain to make them join our

“the fastest way to learn MLM is to learn from other’s mistakes (and experience of successful networkers) BUT if you insist – there’s always the HARD way…” – smurkydad

i remember those days when i started MLM… ang
dami kong palpak…

so, you’re one of the new bloods in MLM? Welcome to the club!
here’s what you need to do the minute you join any MLM company:

1. Who are your higher uplines?
ask your direct upline who are his higher uplines
sa company na sinalihan mo. Trace your network’s
family tree. 3 or 4 uplines will do.
(FYI: your direct upline was the guy who invited you to join
the company. siya yung nag-recruit sayo - maybe he’s your
friend, cousin, or officemate.)

Question : Anong  skills ang dapat matutunan
ng mga downlines ko?”

Answer: There are 3 levels… (depende naman yan sa diskarte ng bawat uplines)

let’s focus first on “LEVEL 1″ skills…

teach these basic skill sets to new members:

1. meeting people (where and how to generate prospects)

    Read this first!!!

    This  page is a compilation of blogs from different mentors in network marketing (mostly from coach smurkydad, BO Sanchez, etc.) and was made for all of us who wants to learn more and become an expert in this field.
    God bless us all.

    by: donjaime


    September 2012


    Bo Sanchez
    Randy Gage
    Zig Ziglar