Some people join MLM coz they think it’s a get-rich quick way
to reach their dreams…

Well, they’re  wrong! and it’s your duty as uplines to educate them on this:

“Alam mo partner, maraming sumali sa ganitong klaseng negosyo na ang
akala nila eh kikita kaagad sila ng malaki o magiging milyonaryo sa napakaikling
panahon. dun sila nagkamali. it takes 3-5 years to become successful in MLM.

Kung baga sa puno ang negosyo natin eh hindi MONGGO kundi MANGGA tayo!

“Ano ang paborito mong CLOSING lines sa prospects?”

from rekrowt3n:

“Dito chika chika lang, mamaya cheke cheke na”

“Dito kwento kwento lang, mamaya kwenta kwenta na”

What’s the best way to have a big gigantic
humungous colossal network here in the Philippines?
Answer: Get LEADERS to join your team!

you see, i have this slight tendency to get overly
redundant when i want to emphasize on something
(in this article, here’s my message: get leaders!!!
di ako sumisigaw… nagpapaliwanag lang.. hehehe)

here’s my goal, i want to see you enjoying a considerable
enormous huge massive whopping network in the future..
(ooppss. sorry, im back to being redundant. i cant help it! )

there are 2 ways to get leaders in your network…

Im not a fan of super lotto.
ni minsan di ko pa nasubukang tumaya at talagang
di ko susubukang tumaya in the future… (peksman!)

.. but when everyone is talking about it, including those
who are in upper chamber of our legislative body and Malacañang,
it’s hard not to get caught with the “Lotto fever“…

yes. somebody won the P741 Million.. (taga-Olongapo City)
… and im happy for him..
kung sino man yung nanalo… i wish him well. (cheeseburger naman diyan!)

this whole “lotto” craze got me thinking…
(Smurkydad’s WARNING: bato-bato sa langit..
.. ang matamaan eh… bukol!)

It doesnt matter what business you do – mapa-traditional business ka man or MLM..

to all networkers: hangga’t di mo to naiintindihan, balewala pa rin ang lahat ng hataw mo sa networking company mo…

the following is an excerpt from the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by: T. Harv Eker

Wealth File #1: Rich people believe “I create my life.”
Poor people believe “Life happens to me.”

Wealth File #2: Rich people play the money game to win.
Poor people play the money game to not lose.

Wealth File #3: Rich people are committed to being rich.
Poor people want to be rich.

Wealth File #4: Rich people think big.
Poor people think small.

“When you delegate tasks, you create followers; when you delegate responsibility, you create leaders. When you create leaders, you foster true duplication.”

Ang lalim nun ah!  That’s Randy Gage’s speaking (one of my MLM mentors – di niya alam na mentor ko siya. Secret natin.) and his nuggets of wisdom…

Once upon a time, I gave a pep talk to the team: “Sa business natin, hindi pwedeng iisa lang ang magaling at lagi na lang tayong umaasa kay Superman. Kailangang nandiyan din si Batman, si Wonderwoman, Aquaman, Captain America atbp..  Mas maganda kung nandiyan ang buong Justice League.” (by the way, stories are way better than lectures).

The richest people are not doctors, architects,  lawyers, engineers nor dentists.

The funny thing is most dean’s listers, magna cum laudes,  summa cum laudes and all of those who got college degrees – they ended up working for the kids who got B’s and C’s  (barely passing grades) and went on to start corporations…

i had a nice conversation with my team leaders last time

i asked them, “anong nga yung karugtong ng kasabihang birds of the same feather… ” and they (interrupted me) answered in unison, “…. flock together!” (what do you know, i have a well informed group. they must be good in academics)

“Wrong!” , imagine their surprise when i said that.

i finally dropped the bomb: “Birds of the same feathers…. are the same birds!”  (i had a good laugh when i saw their faces)


“Should I lead with the product? Or should I lead with the opportunity?” (Eto ang kalimitang tanong ng mga bago.)Why not try looking at leading with the product or opportunity debate this way?

Lead with common sense.

For instance, let’s imagine that you sold vitamins. If you’re talking to a prospect and the prospect says:

“Find out what poor people read — and don’t read it!”
– Jim Rohn

Well I have a quite interesting version to that one:  “Find-out what people watch — and DONT watch it!” (pretty neat, huh!)

What’s wrong with “watching” television?

“Pati ba naman TV?  huwag mo naman kaming tanggalan ng kaligayahan.” (narinig ko yun kahit malayo ka. You see im a mind reader…)

According to statistics, an average Pinoy viewer sits in front of his TV for  at least 27  hours a week! IF you do the math that’s  spending a big percentage of  ones entire life by being a couch potato (FYI:  “sleep” tops the list when it comes to utilizing our equally god-given 24 hours.)

    Read this first!!!

    This  page is a compilation of blogs from different mentors in network marketing (mostly from coach smurkydad, BO Sanchez, etc.) and was made for all of us who wants to learn more and become an expert in this field.
    God bless us all.

    by: donjaime


    September 2012


    Bo Sanchez
    Randy Gage
    Zig Ziglar