
“Should I lead with the product? Or should I lead with the opportunity?” (Eto ang kalimitang tanong ng mga bago.)Why not try looking at leading with the product or opportunity debate this way?

Lead with common sense.

For instance, let’s imagine that you sold vitamins. If you’re talking to a prospect and the prospect says:

“I’ve just returned from my doctor. He says that my nutritional level is so low that I’m going to die in 48 hours.”

What would you answer? Would you say:

“We have this killer opportunity meeting two weeks from now where a top producer can show you how to make lots of money!”

Probably not. If you did, I think you’d be “out of step” with your prospect. Instead of concentrating on his needs it may appear you’re only concerned about your needs and your goals.

Another example. If your prospect said to you:

“I just got fired from my job. I hate working for other people. I want to start my own business. I’m willing to work 80 hours a week to build some freedom into my life.”

What would you answer? Would you say:

“Our amino acids are picked from under rocks in China and processed to the highest quality standards by a long-term pharmaceutical manufacturer.”

Again, you would be focusing on your needs and goals and not the prospect’s needs and goals.
It’s easy to understand which is better to lead with, the product or the opportunity, when we apply common sense to our business.

But what about opportunity meetings where many prospects are in attendance? What should I lead with then?

Why not include both product and opportunity in your meeting? You can’t customize your presentation like you can when you are with a single prospect, so make sure to include both views in your meeting.

The bottom line is this. Stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about helping the prospect. This makes the “lead with the product or opportunity” debate easy to solve.


- originally from smurkydad :: reposted by donjaime - 

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    Read this first!!!

    This  page is a compilation of blogs from different mentors in network marketing (mostly from coach smurkydad, BO Sanchez, etc.) and was made for all of us who wants to learn more and become an expert in this field.
    God bless us all.

    by: donjaime


    September 2012


    Bo Sanchez
    Randy Gage
    Zig Ziglar