“When you delegate tasks, you create followers; when you delegate responsibility, you create leaders. When you create leaders, you foster true duplication.”

Ang lalim nun ah!  That’s Randy Gage’s speaking (one of my MLM mentors – di niya alam na mentor ko siya. Secret natin.) and his nuggets of wisdom…

Once upon a time, I gave a pep talk to the team: “Sa business natin, hindi pwedeng iisa lang ang magaling at lagi na lang tayong umaasa kay Superman. Kailangang nandiyan din si Batman, si Wonderwoman, Aquaman, Captain America atbp..  Mas maganda kung nandiyan ang buong Justice League.” (by the way, stories are way better than lectures).

You see, Superman cant save the entire world single-handedly. He needs other superheroes “side by side” with him to beat those bad guys. Dahil kung siya lang ang magaling, kryptonite lang ang katapat niya. 

Now let’s go back to network marketing: I realized that if I’m the only “superhero” in the group, it’s impossible to build a huge network.

So I decided to become Professor X. I train these simple ordinary networkers until they show some signs of  potential superhero attitudes (abilities will soon follow) and bring out the best in them. Take note, i didnt give much weight on abilities but i focus more on attitude.

Translation: If i want to build a big network, i need to train and develop leaders from the number of downlines ive got and see to it they become great leaders.

Ooops. Sorry. I got caught up with the “superhero” talk. I need to be reminded once in awhile that I’m not a Marvel Superheroes’ comic author.

i made 3 requirements in selecting potential “leaders”-  their desire to do the business, their “whatever-it-takes” kind of commitment and their “good learning and listening attitude.

How do i train them to become leaders? I delegate tasks.

“to delegate” is to assign them some tasks and you trust them that they’ll accomplish these tasks… (then you wait.. and sooner… a few potential leaders will emerge.)

For me, it’s not about finding the 3 “superheroes” in every 100 downlines we have but it’s developing them through responsibility.

Potential leaders need to earn, feel, act and “be” like leaders to become “true” leaders because leadership drives everything.
And what better way to promote responsibility, to let them participate, to qualify leaders and to create true duplication than to practice….delegation.

Finally, the sooner we help someone take on responsibility, the sooner they can step into leadership.

So when will you start delegating?


- originally from smurkydad :: reposted by donjaime - 

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    Read this first!!!

    This  page is a compilation of blogs from different mentors in network marketing (mostly from coach smurkydad, BO Sanchez, etc.) and was made for all of us who wants to learn more and become an expert in this field.
    God bless us all.

    by: donjaime


    September 2012


    Bo Sanchez
    Randy Gage
    Zig Ziglar