I hate SPAMS. I really do.

But when some unknown guy sent you something like
“this” in your email then you realize “SPAMS are not bad afterall”.

You’ll see what i mean

differences between those who dream and those who act:

1. Wanna-be’s obsess about ideas.
Entrepreneurs obsess about 

2. Wanna-be’s want more web traffic.
Entrepreneurs focus on sales 

3. Wanna-be’s focus on positive thinking.
Entrepreneurs plan for multiple contingencies.

4. Wanna-be’s want to get on TV and get famous.
Entrepreneurs build their list.

5. Wanna-be’s seek a perfect plan.
Entrepreneurs execute and adjust
 the plan later.

6. Wanna-be’s wait for their lucky break.
Entrepreneurs engineer
 four, five, six plans and execute them in tandem, wagering that at
 least one plan will get traction.

7. Wanna-be’s fear looking stupid in front of their friends.
Entrepreneurs willingly risk making fools of themselves.

8. Wanna-be’s shield their precious ideas from harsh reality, 
postponing the verdict of success or failure until ‘someday’.
Entrepreneurs expose their ideas to cold reality as soon as 
reasonably possible.

9. Wanna-be’s put off practicing basketball until they’ve got Air
Entrepreneurs practice barefoot behind the garage.

10. Wanna-be’s believe what they’re told, believe their own 
Entrepreneurs do original research and determine what paths have
 been already trod.

11. Wanna-be’s believe they can do anything.
Entrepreneurs do what 
they’re gifted for and delegate the rest.

12. Wanna-be’s think about the world in terms of COULD and SHOULD.
Entrepreneurs think in terms of IS and CAN BE.
So, which one are you?

May you reach your dreams in MLM,



- originally from smukydad :: reposted by donjaime -

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    Read this first!!!

    This  page is a compilation of blogs from different mentors in network marketing (mostly from coach smurkydad, BO Sanchez, etc.) and was made for all of us who wants to learn more and become an expert in this field.
    God bless us all.

    by: donjaime


    September 2012


    Bo Sanchez
    Randy Gage
    Zig Ziglar