Why You’re Not Getting the Results You Want? 

Imagine this… you’ve just joined  an MLM company  and
youre aching to build a huge network.
well, thanks to your  direct upline /girlfriend/partner and
her sweet convincing speech: “kapag di ka sumali,
hihiwalayan kita!!!”
Who wouldn’t join to her
non-threatening sweet talk? (just kidding)

And here you are joining the bandwagon of the best
opportunity in the whole wide world -  very eager to
get started.

you said, “this is it! oras ko ng yumaman!, “ then
you visualized riding your BMW dream car and playing billiards with your kids in that P10-million dream bungalow. (partner, huwag mong tipirin ang pangarap mo. libre ang mangarap. walang bayad.)

… so you’ve  started inviting your prospects, experienced
rejections first-hand, made  few  more invites, experienced rejections first-hand, do dozens of follow ups, experienced rejection first-hand and surprisingly some of them joined your network when you least expected … finally! (did i mention you’ll experience rejections first-hand in this business?)

… then you organized your own dream team, attended
some of the company trainings, made a couple of
gameplan for the group… etc…

let’s do a fast forward…

it’s almost a year now and youre even busier doing
your MLM business…

…  not to mention the quality time youve sacrificed
for your kids — not being there for their birthdays,
their school plays nor elementary graduation. you
thought, “ngayon lang naman ‘to. maghirap na lang
ako ngayon huwag lang habangbuhay. im doing this
for my family.”

… not to mention the sweet moments (relationship)
youve sacrificed for your wife — not being there
physically to comfort her when sometimes the kids
are not listening to her or the pressure of being a
full-time mom gets into her nerves (oftentimes, kids listen
more to dads than their moms. Dads command more
“authority” and “fear”. Trust me. I’m a dad of 2 lovely

.. not to mention the quality “sleeping”hours youve
given up because you have to attend your flock
(downlines), do group sizzle for your leaders and
prepare your sched for the next day… (i dont blame
you.  you just want to make the most of your time. )

.. not to mention the lonely times youre sitting in NAIA’s
departure lounge waiting for your next flight to davao,
cebu or whatever youre destination is because there’s
a grand sizzle event in that area… (or spend a couple
of hours in that air-conditioned bus on your way to
Pampanga or Baguio wondering how’s your family doing
at this very minute)

… it’s almost one year and you’ve been doing all these
stuffs… plus many others…

you said, “it’s just a little sacrifice. this is how
the game of MLM being played.”
 (i beg to disagree!)

you know you have given your best… and then you realized that something is missing in the equation….

… you cant point your finger where’s (the heck)
the real problem is…

… then you started asking: “why am i not getting the
results i want?” 

out of the blue an idea hit you and then you whispered,
“Lord, ano pa ba ang kulang…?” (sigh)

sa mga hindi nakaka-relate, you will experience those
things ive mentioned when you start having a big network..

sounds familiar? baaangggg! ouch!  (bullseye! mukhang
meron atang tinamaan..)
… thats okay…
… dont panic…
… it’s normal …
 pinagdaanan ko rin yan...
… as a matter of fact, it took me years to figure it out…
(and look where i am now. smile.)

(warning: i forgot to tell you this - always wear a
bulletproof vest when you start reading smurkydad’s
articles dahil talagang merong tatamaan.. ahem)

let me ask you again: why is it youre not getting
the results you want?

answer:  coz youre not yet ready ….

look, im  going to tell you something  that  your upline may have  taught you in the past and
then you forgot it along the way ..

.. or perhaps your upline didnt know this afterall…

*** These guys were tricked! ***
There’s this two interesting experiments done in 1970′s. 
First experiment .
They chose 20 diabetic patients.
The  participants were divided into 2 groups.
Here’s the catch, they dont know they’re
the test subjects!!!

Yeah. It’s a 4 week experiment.

Group A received  regular shots  of insulin as their daily routine.

Group B
also got the same frequency of insulin shots
like that of Group A but this time  using “fake” insulin. The “fake” insulin was pure tap water mixed with food
coloring and was made to appear like the “real” insulin

After 4 weeks, the sugar level of these 20 participants
were tested.

To the doctor’s amazement, both group A and B  showed almost the same sugar levels

what happened to group B?
they’ve been tricked! (the ”insulin” didnt matter)

Second Experiment .
This time it’s a  basketball training (experiment).
It’s a group of 10 people divided into 2.
FYI: All of them dont know how to play basketball.
It’s a 2-week test.

They’ve  got one simple task.
For 14 days, they have to practice shooting from
the “free throw” line.
That’s it!

It’s  simple, right?
… Not until you heard the rest of the story.

Group A needs to practice “free throw”  shooting
for 4 hours a day (for 14 consecutive days).

4 hours means 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours
in the afternoon. (now thats easy!)

Group B will follow the same daily sched of Group A but
the “free throw” practice only happens in the players’ mind. (Yes. hindi sila hahawak ng bola. Tatapak pa rin sila sa “free throw” line at dun lang sila magsho-shoot sa isip nila.)

Judgment day came when all of the players have to
shoot from the “free throw” line. This time they have
to physically hold the ball and shoot it to the ring.

Guess what?
The average scores of all the players, Both Groups A
and B, were almost the same.
What happened to group B?

they’ve been tricked!
Are you having a good grasp of what im trying to say?
Are you learning something?
You’ll find out later what do i mean by being “tricked”...
( i can give you the entire explanation right away but
im not going to do that. While your reading this, i want
to develop in you the value of “discernment”. Yung
tipong di kailangang isubo sayo lahat ng kailangan
mong malaman. sometimes you have to figure it out
on your own. di naman ako sadista. if youre just patient
enough and continue reading, you’ll be rewarded…)

Let’s continue…

*** hey you! you’ve  also been tricked !!! ***
… if you ’re starting to ”like” this article, then i’ve
already tricked you… lol! (FYI: “lol!” – it’s an internet
chatting jargon which means “laughing out loud!”)
Seriously speaking, youve been tricked all your life.
(and you didnt know it. i mean subconsciously.)

You want proof? (im racking my brain out here. i never
knew how challenging it is to formulate stories just to
get the message across to your readers until ive written
this article. necessity is really the mother of all inventions.
i have to keep on improvising coz i want you to learn.)

Story #1. Juan was running fast. he’s being chased
by 3 armed men. He kept  dodging the bullets from his
attackers when out of nowhere a single bullet found it’s
way to his armpit.
he didnt see it coming…
he got hit… it was an excruciating pain…
then he woke up… he’s perspiring all over his body…
“… panaginip lang pala… akala ko katapusan ko na..”

… he’s still catching his breath…
… he’s heart was beating fast…
… his legs felt tired as if he’d ran a thousand miles…
by the way, did i say the armpit was still aching?

he reached for his armpit… found some little bumps
and swells there… and he shouted:

“anak ng tipaklong !%#@… “ it turned out that 3 huge
red ants bit him…  (maybe he’s got a sweet smelly
armpit! ooops… dont read this if youre eating.)
Juan was tricked while he’s dreaming!
Smurkydad’s Explanation: When you dream, your
brain doesnt recognize that youre just dreaming. Akala
niya totoo ang lahat ng nakikita niya at nararanasan sa
loob ng panaginip.

Yung energy na ginamit mo sa pagtakbo sa loob ng
panaginip eh yun din ang energy na ginamit ng
katawan mo kahit tulog ka.

thats why when you
wake up, you feel totally exhausted – pinagpapawisan,
pagod, nanlalanta o hinihingal…

Now you know that when you sleep, youre brain
is being “tricked” inside your dreams. (akala niya totoo.
hindi naman pala.)

Question: Ano ang pinakamagandang panaginip na
pwedeng mangyari sayo?

Answer: Yung pagkagising na pagkagising mo ang
akala mo eh nanaginip ka pa ring mayaman ka yun pala
eh totoo na at di na panaginip… hay!

Story #2. Pedro was celebrating his 3rd monthsary with
her GF. It was November that time. Halloween season.

To save expenses, they decided to watch “I Know What
You Did Last Summer?” back to back with “Tiyanak” in
his little apartment (Teka, ba’t nasali ang Tiyanak sa

If you saw those two movies,alam mong umaatikabong
gulatan, thrill at excitement ang mangyayari.

Di naman matatakutin si Pedro. Laking Tondo, Manila
ata siya. Isa siya sa mga kilalang siga, sa lugar nila. But
when they watched the movie, di naiwasang napasigaw


Explanation: Even though Pedro knew that the movie
is just pure camera tricks (and the entire story is just a
figment of the scriptwriter’s imagination), the subconscious
part of the brain thinks it’s a reality.

Kaya nga kahit alam niyang di totoo, nagugulat pa
rin siya at minsan ay napapasigaw pa (coz his brain
dictates him to “shout”).

That’s what movies are. They bring your “mind”
to a different world. They want to engage you.
They want to capture your imagination and your
emotions. Afterall, you should get what youve paid
for — that is to be entertained.

When you watch movies, youre mind is  being

You know that the movie youre watching is not true…

… and yet you laughed…

… and yet you cried…

… and yet you feel pain…

… and yet you feel excitement…

your “brain” thinks he’s inside the movie.
your “brain” believes he’s one of the character’s of the story.
your “brain” tells your body to cry, laugh or feel the pain…

Story #3. This is a true story. It’s about my grandad’s
not-so-proud-to-tell kind of story (but i’ll tell you anyway).
actually, he’s the brother of my paternal grandma.

he’s the youngest of the 9 siblings.

when he was a kid, all of his older sisters would
always scare and tell him that there are kapres, tikbalang, manananggal lurking in the dark. (did i say he’s the only guy
among the children?)

he died 2 years ago. at the age of 70 (if im not mistaken)
hanggang sa pagtanda niya eh dala-dala pa rin niya
ang “takot” sa dilim.

he confessed to me (when he was still alive) that he’s
aware those kapres, tikbalangs and manananggals are
not true but he cant get rid of the “imagined” fear. it’s
like it’s already embedded in his system.

he’s brain was “tricked” to be afraid of the dark…

now you know how your brain is wired (or how it behaves)…

is it possible that we can “trick” or program
my brain, condition it, and let it believe that im already “successful”?  of course you can!


- originally from smurkydad :: reposted by donjaime -

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    Read this first!!!

    This  page is a compilation of blogs from different mentors in network marketing (mostly from coach smurkydad, BO Sanchez, etc.) and was made for all of us who wants to learn more and become an expert in this field.
    God bless us all.

    by: donjaime


    September 2012


    Bo Sanchez
    Randy Gage
    Zig Ziglar